Wednesday, January 11, 2012

First image of 12

The first several days of the new year and well the phone is ringing more then before the holidays and that is always a good thing. And i am also looking and working on moving things around on my web site, adding a new area of web stuff and pulling some images that are old and putting in some new or ones i like better. With several days this month set aside for work, it looks like jan will be a good month. Finished up on tue. some images for a clients web site. Background images. A super fun day all in all. Here is one of them. As always thanks.

Monday, January 2, 2012

jan. 2, 2012 Getting Started

Just getting started with this, so lets see how it goes. I have been writing now for the past 2 1/2 years since the accident and death of my grandmother. It had kept me going on some of those days. And now i will write so others can see and read as well.

A bit about me, I am an advertising photographer living and working in southern PA. Have a farm space with 7 1/2 acres and for now just collect dogs. Down to 12 right now, at one time there were as many as 35. All the dogs are rescues and several are special needs dogs. Blind and a few deaf as well. As i said i am a photographer as well, working in advertising with clients big and small. Bottom line I love it, i really do. Just wish there was more of it. But with all things give it time. The past few years have been a bit up and down, but with a new year in front of me, i look at the glass as full today.
Thanks for listening.